Berserker (Civ4 FFH)

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Civ4FFH Berserker.png Berserker
Stärke 10/4 Civ4Power.png
Bewegung 1 Civ4Fortbewegung.png
Schnell 161 Civ4Produktion.png
Normal 240 Civ4Produktion.png
Langsam 360 Civ4Produktion.png
Episch 480 Civ4Produktion.png
Technologien Raserei
Gebäude Bären Totem
Fähigkeiten kann Mithrilwaffen benutzen
kann Eisenwaffen benutzen
kann Bronzewaffen benutzen

This unit is an advanced Melee Unit. They are good attackers, but poor at defense.


A powerful melee unit that causes a small amount of collateral damage to all other units in the opponent's stack. A Bear Totem and Iron are required to train them, and a civilization can only have 3 at once.

Strategy Text

A powerful melee unit that causes a small amount of collateral damage to all other units in the opponent's stack. A Bear Totem and Iron are required to train them, and a civilization can only have 3 at once.