Elfen-Beschwörer (Civ4 FFH)

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Civ4FFH ElfenBeschwörer.png Elfen-Beschwörer
Magisch begabte Einheit
Stärke 3 Civ4Power.png
Bewegung 1 Civ4Fortbewegung.png
Schnell 80 Civ4Produktion.png
Normal 120 Civ4Produktion.png
Langsam 180 Civ4Produktion.png
Episch 240 Civ4Produktion.png
Technologien Beschwörung
Spezialeinheit für Ljosalfar
Ersetzt Beschwörer
Startbeförderungen Fokus I, Fokus II, Beschwörung, Freie Beförderung, Elfe
Fähigkeiten Zauber sprechen
Kann bauen Manaquellen:
ChaosDimensionenEntropie, Erde, Feuer, Geist, Gesetz, Korper, Leben, Natur, Seele, Tod, Verzauberung, Wasser
Modernisierung zu Elfen-Rufer
Modernisierung von Elfen-Adept

The Conjurer is a level 2 Summoning unit.

Adepts who demonstrate an affinity for the art of summoning are invited to become tenured members of the school of Conjuration (after doing so, they can never embrace sorcery to become a Mage). They are highly sought by commanders of border garrisons and overseas expeditions, where their bound creatures are called upon to perform dangerous or unsavory tasks. Conjurers who survive long enough to continue their diligent study may be promoted again to become a Summoner of master rank.


Conjurers are the first unit able to summon extra-planar units. These summoned units are powerful allies, but only last until the start of the summoning player's next turn. They will only buy you a turn of defense, and are best used when they are thrown against strong enemy units: the enemy will stay injured, but your conjurer will be able to summon a new beast next turn. Make sure to protect your Conjurer well, for their strength and movement are low and their creatures only have a limited range. A wise opponent will ignore the conjured creature and kill the conjurer, making sure he doesn't have to deal with any more summoned creatures. An Adept has to be at least 4th level before it can be upgraded to a Conjurer.

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