Kanone (Civ4 FFH)

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Civ4FFH Kanone.png Kanone
Stärke 7/5 Civ4Power.png
Bewegung 1 Civ4Fortbewegung.png
Schnell 121 Civ4Produktion.png
Normal 180 Civ4Produktion.png
Langsam 270 Civ4Produktion.png
Episch 360 Civ4Produktion.png
Technologien Schießpulver
Ressourcen Schwarzpulver
Gebäude Belagerungswerkstatt
Startbeförderungen Nomade
Fähigkeiten Einheit ignoriert Gebäudeverteidigung ihrer Gegner
25% Rückzugschance
Erhält keine Defensivboni
Verursacht Kollateral-Schäden
Bombardierung: 20%

This is the second siege weapon; use it to lessen or remove city defenses, preferably with one or more strong defensive units in a strong defensive position. They can also be used to attack stacks, but note that their limit is at 60%.


Closely following the invention of gunpowder, the development of the cannon caused a revolution in siege warfare. Invented by a monk, early cannons used gunpowder charges to fire rocks or metal balls. The cannon forced a redesign of most fortifications, because the straight, high walls surrounding most cities could be easily destroyed by direct fire.

Strategy Text

Cannon can bombard enemy city fortifications and have a chance to withdraw from combat when losing. When attacking another unit, they cause collateral damage to other enemy units sharing the target's space.