Knochengolem (Civ4 FFH)

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Civ4FFH Knochengolem.png Knochengolem
Golem Einheit
Stärke 12 Civ4Power.png
Bewegung 1 Civ4Fortbewegung.png
Schnell 241 Civ4Produktion.png
Normal 360 Civ4Produktion.png
Langsam 540 Civ4Produktion.png
Episch 720 Civ4Produktion.png
Technologien Göttliche Essenz
Ressourcen Elfenbein
Spezialeinheit für Luchuirp
Ersetzt Unsterblicher
Startbeförderungen Kannibalismus
Sonstiges Nationaleinheit, nur 3 erlaubt

This unit is more expensive, has different resource requirements, has an upgrade requirement and is effectively weaker (since it isn't an upgraded or upgradable unit) than the Immortal it replaces. Golems don't gain experience; the only way they gain promotions are through Buildings Armament Moulds, Velox Workshop, Blasting Workshop (existing at creation) and Heroes Barnaxus (at any time).


The Age of Rebirth saw the first appearance of the Bone Golem. Each part must be carved entirely from one piece of bone or similar material, and only elephants, descended from the mammoths abundant in the Age of Winter, can provide adequate sized raw materials. Curiosity lead the Luchuirp craftsmen to attempt these creations, however they become one of their favorite toys, as the bone absorbed their magic as no metal could, leading them to reanimate when defeated.

Strategy Text

Luchuirp are the only civilization able to build immortal units, rather than upgrading them from high leveled macemen. After building three, you may not need to ever build another, because after dying they will be reborn in the capital. Feel free to send them on suicide missions.