Zauber (Civ4 FFH)

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Version vom 25. November 2007, 14:18 Uhr von Kontrollator (Diskussion) (Zauber nach Sphäre, Spezialisation, und Rang)

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Zauber nach Sphäre, Spezialisation, und Rang

Sphäre Alle / Stufe I (Adept) Erleuchtet / Stufe II (Priester) Zauberei / Stufe II (Magier) Beschwörung / Stufe II (Beschwörer) Erleuchtet / Stufe III
Zauberei / Stufe III (Erzmagier) Beschwörung / Stufe III (Rufer)
Luft Civ4FFH GünstigerWind.png
Günstiger Wind
Civ4FFH Wirbelwind.pngWirbelwind Civ4FFH BlitzelementarBeschwören.png
Blitzelementar beschwören
Civ4FFH Strudel.png
Civ4FFH LuftelementarBeschwören.pngLuftelementar rufen
Körper Civ4FFH Hast.png
Civ4FFH BrennendesBlut.pngBrennendes Blut
(Runen, Schatten der Tiefe)
Civ4FFH Regeneration.png
Civ4FFH Fleischsprößling.png
Fleisch Sprössling
(Runen, Schatten der Tiefe)
Civ4FFH Bef Steinhaut.png
Chaos Civ4FFH Klingentanz.png
Civ4FFH Mutation.png
(Schatten der Tiefe)
Civ4FFH MagieLösen.png
Magie lösen
Civ4FFH ChaosMarodeurBeschwören.png
Chaosmarodeur beschwören
Civ4FFH HastursKlingen.png
Hasturs Klingen
(Schatten der Tiefe)
Civ4FFH Wut.png
Civ4FFH GrubenbestieBeschwören.png
Grubenbestie beschwören
Tod Civ4FFH SkelettErschaffen.png
Skelett erschaffen
Civ4FFH Infektion.png
Civ4FFH PhantomBeschwören.png
Phantom beschwören
Civ4FFH Lichwandlung.png
Civ4FFH GespenstBeschwören.png
Gespenst beschwören
Dimensionen Civ4FFH Entrinnen.png
Erde Civ4FFH Steinwall.png
Civ4FFH SteinDerWeisen.png
Stein der Weisen
Civ4FFH Rost.png
Civ4FFH KikijubBeschwören.png
Kikijub beschwören
Civ4FFH Erdbeben.png
Civ4FFH Schlag.png
Civ4FFH ErdelementarRufen.png
Erdelementar rufen
Verzauberung Civ4FFH LetzterSchliff.png
Letzter Schliff
Civ4FFH SpirituellerHammer.png
Spiritueller Hammer
Civ4FFH Flammenpfeile.png
Civ4FFH SchildDesGlaubens.png
Schild des Glaubens
Civ4FFH ZauberstabErschaffen.png
Zauberstab erschaffen
Entropie Atrophie Civ4FFH Sündenmal.png
Civ4FFH Besudeln.png
Civ4FFH KoboldBeschwören.png
Kobold beschwören
Civ4FFH Verbannung.png
Verbannung (Schleier)
Civ4FFH Höllenfeuer.png
Höllenfeuer (Schleier)
Civ4FFH Entkräftung.png
Civ4FFH BalorBeschwören.png
Balor beschwören
Feuer Civ4FFH Versengen.png
Civ4FFH Flammenring.png
(Weisung, Schleier)
Civ4FFH Feuerball.png
Civ4FFH Sandlöwe.png
Civ4FFH Feuersäule.png
(Weisung, Schleier)
Civ4FFH Meteorsturm.png
Civ4FFH FeuerlementarRufen.png
Feuerelementar rufen
Ordnung Civ4FFH Loyalität.png
Civ4FFH WiederaufbauDerStadt.png
Wiederaufbau der Stadt
Civ4FFH Heldenmut.png
Civ4FFH RechtsprecherBeschwören.png
Rechtsprecher beschwören
Civ4FFH GerechteSache.png
Gerechte Sache
Civ4FFH Dogma.png
Civ4FFH HeimstattDerEinherjar.png
Heimstatt der Einherjar beschwören
Leben Civ4FFH Heiligen.png
Civ4FFH HeileKrankheit.png
Heile Krankheit
(Weisung, Gefährten, Runen)
Civ4FFH UntoteVernichten.png
Untote vernichten
Civ4FFH GreifBeschwören.png
Greif beschwören
Civ4FFH Heilen.png
(Weisung, Gefährten, Runen)
Civ4FFH Auferstehung.png
Civ4FFH LebensfunkeRufen.png
Lebensfunke rufen
Geist Civ4FFH Beeindrucken.png
Civ4FFH SuchendesAuge.png
Suchendes Auge
(Schatten der Tiefe)
Civ4FFH Inspiration.png
Civ4FFH ScheußlicheGedanken.png
Scheussliche Gedanken
(Schatten der Tiefe)
Civ4FFH KontrolleÜbernehmen.png
Kontrolle übernehmen
Natur Civ4FFH Wipfelwehr.png
Civ4FFH Wuchs.png
Civ4FFH Bef VergifteteKlinge.png
Vergiftete Klinge
Civ4FFH DornenwandBeschwören.png
Dornenwand beschwören
Civ4FFH Wurzel.png
Civ4FFH Urbar.png
Civ4FFH BaumhirteBeschwören.png
Baumhirte beschwören
Seele Civ4FFH Tapferkeit.png
Civ4FFH Guru.png
Civ4FFH Hoffnung.png
Civ4FFH Segen.png
Civ4FFH Vertrauen.png
Wasser Civ4FFH Frühling.png
Civ4FFH Wasserwandeln.png
Civ4FFH Wasserwandeln.png
Civ4FFH DschinnBeschwören.png
Dschinn beschwören
Civ4FFH KrakeBeschwören.png
Krake beschwören
Civ4FFH Tsunami.png
Civ4FFH WasserlementarRufen.png
Wasserelementar rufen

Liste der Zauber und Effekte

Name Sphäre Bereich Zauberstufe Andere Vorraussetzungen Dauer Ziel Reichweite Effekt
Günstige Winde Luft I Chance to wear off each turn Seeeinheiten Present Plot boosts the movement and withdrawal of naval units
Wirbelwind Luft Zauberei II Instant Alle Einheiten within 1 plot (3x3) Repel enemy units 1 space away
Blitzelementar Beschwören Luft Beschwörung II 1 Runde Summon Present Plot Lightning Elemental (3 Lightning, 2move, Blitz)
Wolkenstrudel Luft Zauberei III Instant Alle Einheiten within 2 plot(5x5) Damage
Luftelementar rufen Luft Beschwörung III 1 Runde Summon Present Plot Luftelementar (4+4Lightning, 3move, Sentry II, Water Walking)
Hast Körper I 1 Runde Lebende Einheiten Present Plot + 1 Bewegung
Brennendes Blut Körper Erleuchtet II 1 Runde 1 self unit Present Plot +40%Str, Blitz, +1mv, 75% chance unit will die next turn
Fleisch Sprößling Körper Erleuchtet III immer 2 Einheiten Present Plot Merge 2 unit to create Flesh Golem with all the promotion of both unit but can no longer gain XP. Strength of flesh golem will be average offensive strength of the two units
Steinhaut Körper Zauberei III Nächster Kampf Alle Einheiten Present Plot immue to 3 hits
Klingentanz Chaos I 1 Runde Alle einheiten Present Plot 1 Erstschlag
Mutation Chaos Erleuchtet II Permanent nicht mutierte lebende Einheiten Present Plot Zufällig bekommt man eine dieser Beförderugen:
  • - 1 Strength (15%)
  • + 1 Strength (15%)
  • + 2 Strength (15%)
  • Enrage (15%)
  • Crazed (15%)
  • Diseased (10%)
  • Magic Resistance (5%)
  • Regeneration (5%)
  • Withered (5%)
Magie lösen Chaos Zauberei II Instant Alle Einheiten within 1 plot (3x3) Dispel harmful spell from friendly unit and improvement spells from other units
Chaos Marodeur beschworen Chaos Beschwörung II 1 Runde Summon Present Plot Chaos Marodeur(5str, 2mv, chance of turning barbarian)
Glücksumkehr Chaos Erleuchtet III immer Caster Caster Combat str equals foe via Glücksumkehr Promotion.
Wut Chaos Zauberei III immer 1 Einheit 1 + Zauberreichweite Ziel-Einheit wird zum Barbaren
Grubenbestie beschwören Chaos Beschwörung III Until unit does not engage in combat Summon Present Plot Grubenbestie (7+2Unholy, 2move)
Skelett beschwören Tod I immer (1 per caster) Summon Present Plot Skelett (2 +1Unholy, 1 move)
Infektion Tod Zauberei II Instant Alle Einheiten 1 + Zauberreichweite Beschädigte und kranke Einheiten
Alb beschwören Tod Beschwörung II 1 Runde Summon Alb
Lichwandlung Tod Zauberei III immer Caster Caster Turns Caster into a lich allowing another mage to be promoted to archmage (limited to 3 national unit)
Gespenst beschwören Tod Beschwörung III 1 Runde Summon Present Plot Wraith
Entrinnen Dimensionen I Instant Caster Caster teleportiert den Zaubernden in die Hauptstadt
Steinwall Erde I Bis der Zaubernde geht Stadt Present Plot Erschafft einen Steinwall (25% vert.) to city
Stein der Weisen Erde Erleuchtet II Kupfer oder Gold immer Kupfer oder Gold Present Plot verwandelt Gold zu Kupfer
Rost Erde Zauberei II Until Unit returns to barrack 1 Einheit 1 + Zauberreichweite -10% Einheitenstärke, entfernt Waffen-Beförderungen.
Kikijub Erde Beschwörung II 1 Runde Summon Present Plot Kikijub
Erdbeben Erde Erleuchtet III Instant keine within 1 plot (3x3) 25% chance of destoying buildings in adjacent tile
Schlag Erde Zauberei III Instant All units 1 + Spell Extension 20 - 59 damage to all units on target tile
Erdelementar rufen Erde Beschwörung III 1 runde Summon Present Plot Erdelementar
Letzter Schliff Verzauberung I Permanent Nahkampfeinheiten Present Plot + 20% Starke, entfernt Rost
Spiritueller Hammer Verzauberung Erleuchtet II Permanent Geweihte Einheiten Present Plot +1 Weihung Stärke
Flammenpfeile Verzauberung Zauberei II Permanent Distanzeinheiten Present Plot + 20% Stärke
Schild des Glaubens Verzauberung Erleuchtet III immer Alle Einheiten Present Plot 10% Stärke + another 20% strength if defending
Zauberstab erschaffen Verzauberung Zauberei III Until used Caster Caster Allows caster to cast an additional spell when used on another turn
Atrophie Entropie I immer 1 Einheit 1 + Zauberreichweite Heilt -20% Schaden jede Runde, heilt während der Bewegung
Sündenmal Entropie Erleuchtet II immer Caster Caster Caster gains XP faster (see arcane unit) but is weaken (-25% str)
Besudeln Entropie Zauberei II immer Terrain Present Plot Defiles the tile (tile produce nothing)
Kobold beschwören Entropie Beschwörung II 1 Runde Summon Present Plot Kobold
Verbannung Entropie Erleuchtet III Instant Summon units 1 + Zauberreichweite Verbannt summon units
Höllenfeuer Entropie Erleuchtet III Nur Infernal immer Terrain Present Plot Creates Hellfire terrian improvement (produce Infernal demon randomly)
Entkräftung Entropie Zauberei III immer 1 Einheit 1 + Zauberreichweite  !/2 target unit XP
Balor beschwören Entropie Beschwörung III 1 Runde Summon Present Plot Balor
Versengen Feuer I immer Terrain Present Plot Verwandelt Ebene in Wüste oder Verdammtes Land in Brennender Sand
Flammenring Feuer Erleuchtet II Instant Alle Einheiten within 1 plot (3x3) 10-29 base fire damage to all units in adjacent plot (damaged unit civ declares war)
Feuerball Feuer Zauberei II 1 Runde Summon Present Plot Erschafft einen Feuerball
Sandlöwe Feuer Beschwörung II Wüste or Brennender Sand 1 Runde Summon Present Plot Sandlöwe (see invisibility)
Feuersäule Feuer Erleuchtet III Instant Alle Einheiten 1 + Zauberreichweite 60 base fire damage to all units
Meteorsturm Feuer Zauberei III 1 Runde Summon Present Plot 3 x Meteor
Feuerelementar rufen Feuer Beschwörung III 1 Runde Summon Present Plot Feuerelementar
Loyalität Ordnung I immer Alle Einheiten Present Plot Unit dies instead of being converted
Wiederaufbau der Stadt Ordnung Erleuchtet II Stadtruinen immer Terrain Present Plot Baut die Stadt wieder auf
Heldenmut Ordnung Zauberei II 10% Chance to wear off each turn Alle Einheiten Present Plot +1 EP pro Kampf until it wears off
Rechtsprecher beschwören Ordnung Beschwörung II 1 Turn Summon Present Plot Rechtsprecher
Gerechte Sache Ordnung Erleuchtet III immer Stadt 1 + Zauberreichweite Erschafft einen Kreuzritter pro unglücklichen bürger in der Feindlichen Ziel-Stadt, der Zaubernde stirbt nach diesem Zauber
Dogma Ordnung Zauberei III Bis der Zaubernde geht Stadt Present Plot Keine unglücklichen Bürger solange der Zaubernde in der Stadt ist
Heimstatt der Einherjar beschwören Ordnung Beschwörung III Until unit does not engage in combat Summon Present Plot Heimstatt der Einherjar
Heiligen Leben I immer Terrain Present Plot Remove Fallout, City ruins (-1 to Armageddon counter), remove Hell Terrain
Heile Krankheit Leben Erleuchtet II immer Alle Einheiten Present Plot entfernt Verseuchung von Einheiten
Untote vernichten Leben Zauberei II immer Alle untoten Einheiten 1 + Zauberreichweite beschädigt untoten Einheiten
Greif beschwören Leben Beschwörung II 1 Runde Summon Present Plot Greif
Heilen Leben Erleuchtet III Permanent Alle Einheiten Present Plot Heals 20HP
Auferstehung Leben Zauberei III Life Node immer keinee Caster Revive Civ Hero, destroys life node
Lebensfunke rufen Leben Beschwörung III 1 Runde Summon Present Plot Lebensfunke (2 move, heals 20HP on all unit in the same stack)
Beeindrucken Geist I 10% chance of wearing off each turn All unit? Present Plot Charmed units are unable to attack (or auto-retreat to be precise)
Suchendes Auge Geist Erleuchtet II 1 Runde Summon Present Plot Suchendes Auge (4 sight range unit, cannot fight)
Inspiration Geist Zauberei II Bis der Zaubernde geht Stadt Present Plot +4 science in the city
Scheussliche Gedanken Geist Erleuchtet III immer 1 unit Present Plot +1 move, 40% Strength, -80% Defense, take damage
Kontrolle übernehmen Geist Zauberei III immer 1 Einheit 1 + Zauberreichweite Converts target unit at +30% spell resistance, caster converts to target civ if spell is resist
Wipfelwehr Natur I Forest Plot Until unit moves to a non-forest plot Alle Einheiten Present Plot Gains 2 First strike during combat
Wuchs Natur Erleuchtet II Non-improved terrain immer Terrain Present Plot erschafft Wald
Vergiftete Klinge Natur Zauberei II immer Alle Aufklärungseinheiten Present Plot +1 Vergiftung Stärke
Dornenwand beschwören Natur Beschwörung II immer (1 per caster) Summon Present Plot Dornenwand (stationary unit)
Wurzel Nature Erleuchtet III 1 Runde 1 Einheiten 1 + Zauberreichweite Target unit is unable to move
Urbar Natur Zauberei III immer Terrain Present Plot Verwandelt Eis in Tundra in Ebenen in Grünland
Baumhirte beschwören Natur Beschwörung III Forest Plot immer (1 per caster) Summon Present Plot Treant
Tapferkeit Seele I immer Alle Einheiten Present Plot + 10% Healing in enemy plot, can attack units with Fear promotion
Guru Seele Erleuchtet II Permanent All units Present Plot Gives 50% XP to random civ unit when unit is killed
Hoffnung Seele Zauberei II Bis der Zaubernde geht Stadt Present Plot +1 Happiness and +4 Culture/turn
Segnen Seele Erleuchtet III Nächster Kampf Alle Einheiten Present Plot +1 Weihung Stärke
Vertrauen Seele Zauberei III Must be cast from inside a city immer keine keine +2 Relationship with AI
Frühling Wasser I Non-Flood Plains immer Terrain Present Plot Changes Desert to Plains. Removes any Flammen or Rauch within 1 plot.
Wasserwandeln Wasser Erleuchtet, Zauberei II immer Caster Caster Erlaubt dem Zaubernden über Wasser zu gehen
Dschinn beschwören Wasser Beschwörung II 1 Runde Summon Present Plot Dschinn
Krake beschwören Wasser Erleuchtet III Next to water immer (1 per caster) Summon Present Plot Krake
Tsunami Wasser Zauberei III Target tile next to water Instant Terrain 1 + Zauberreichweite Damage units on plot, plot may become coast
Wasserelementar rufen Wasser Beschwörung III 1 Runde Summon Present Plot Wasserelementar


Any non-summoned unit, other than a Great Commander (or Patriarch, it would seem), in the same tile as a Great Commander

  • Join Commander - The first found Great Commander owned by the same player in its stack will join with the unit. The Great Commander is destroyed, and the unit gets the Great Commander promotion. Note that a computer player will not use this for units with an offensive strength of 5 or less.

Any non-summoned unit that dosen't have Orthus's Axe, is not a Naval Unit or Siege Unit, in the same tile as a unit with Orthus's Axe

  • Take Axe - The casting unit gains the Orthus's Axe promotion, while the previous possessor loses it. You cannot target any unit that already has this promotion. The AI will only use this effect if the casting unit has at least 3 offensive strength more than the giving unit.

Any Living, damaged unit owned by the owner of Shrine of Sirona (at most once per turn)

  • Sirona's Touch - heals 15 HP for this unit. Note that the AI will only use on units with at least 15 points of damage.




  • Sprint - Can be used if the Centaur is neither Hasted nor Fatigued. This grants both the Hasted and Fatigued promotions. the AI will not use this ability.


  • Peace - Allows Corlindale to declare peace between all civilizations and his owning civilization. It also halves the Armageddon Counter.


  • Breathe Fire - Creates a summoned Meteor. Unlike most summons, Meteors created through this ability do not gain Mobility I or Mobility II.
  • Roar - Dragon ability that converts all Cult of the Dragon units around them.


  • Repair - Allows dwarven enchanters to heal siege, naval and golem units.

Eater of Dreams

  • Consume Soul - Eater of Dreams regains the ability to cast by consuming population in a city. The city must be owned by the same player as the caster. The city's population must be at least 3. The AI does not use this effect.


  • Train Dance of Blades - Allows Govannon to teach units to cast the Dance of Blades spell to units that are alive, and are not Animal Units, or Disciple Units.
  • Train Escape - Allows Govannon to teach units to cast the Escape spell to units that are alive, and are not Animal Units, or Disciple Units.
  • Train Haste - Allows Govannon to teach units to cast the Haste spell to units that are alive, and are not Animal Units, or Disciple Units.
  • Train Raise Skeleton - Allows Govannon to teach units to cast the Raise Skeleton spell to units that are alive, and are not Animal Units, or Disciple Units.

Great Commanders

  • Recruit - Allows Great Commanders and Donal Lugh to recruit new units in cities

Great Commander Promotion

  • Commander Split - Removes the GC from its current unit; the unit loses its Great Commander promotion, and a new Great Commander unit is available

Guybrush Threepwood

  • Sing = Randomly sings one of 4 different songs from the Monkey Island series. This is purely for entertainment and has no game effect, so obviously the AI will not use this ability.


Hidden Nationality Promotion

  • Declare Nationality removes the Hidden Nationality promotion. The AI does not use this effect.

High Priest of Kilmorph, High Priest of Leaves, High Priest of the Order, High Priest of the Overlords, High Priest of the Veil

  • Become Patriarch - If this unit is the highest level High Priest of a Religion, and does not have Patriarch, it gains Patriarch. Any other High Priest of the same religion looses the Patriarch promotion.


  • Add to City - sacrifices the unit for +1 population in this city. Note that the AI will not use on cities that are size 8 or greater.

Mercenary, Magnadine

  • Recruit Mercenary - In a city, for 240 gold (120 for Hippus, a Mercenary can be created. In the event that Magnadine is the caster, that unit gains the Loyalty promotion. Note that the AI does not use this ability if they are the Khazad, if this ability would cost more than 1/2 their gold, or there is no enemy unit within 1 tile of this city.


  • Burning Blood (self)- Self only, adds 1 move, increases strength, and adds blitz. Lasts one turn. Often fatal.

Naval Units

  • Buccaneer Crew - Any naval unit in a city or Pirate Cove that can move, and has an offensive strength of at least 1 can cast this effect. It grants the promotion Bucaneers, and removes any of the following promotions: Longshoremen, Skeleton Crew. The AI uses this primarily on the following units: Frigate, Man O'War.
  • Crew Normally - Any naval unit in a city or Pirate Cove that has any of the promotions:Bucaneers, Longshoremen, or Skeleton Crew can cast this effect. It removes those promotions. The AI does not use this special ability.
  • Longshoremen Crew - Any naval unit in a city or Pirate Cove that can move, has at least 1 cargo space free for a land unit, and has an offensive strength of at least 1 can cast this effect. It grants the promotion Longshoremen, and removes any of the following promotions: Buccaneers, Skeleton Crew. The AI uses this primarily on the following units: Galley, Caravel.
  • Skeleton Crew - Any naval unit in a city or Pirate Cove that has an offensive strength of at least 1 can cast this effect. It grants the promotion Skeleton Crew, and removes any of the following promotions: Longshoremen, Buccaneers. The AI uses this primarily on the following units: Queen of the Line, Galleon, Trireme.


  • Call Holy War - if there is at least one other player with the same state religion that is not at war with the owner's player, and the owner's player is at war with a civilization of a different religion, then for 10 XP, the Patriarch can force all players of the owner's religion to start a war with all players at war with the owner's player that are have a different state religion.

Pieces of Barnaxus

  • Rebuild Barnaxus - in a Luchuirp city Barnaxus can be rebuilt as a badly-damaged (75 points) Luchuirp unit with the weapon type from that city. This only works if there is at least one Luchuirp unit in the city. This destroys the promotion.

Stonewarden, Priest of Leaves, Confessor, Cultist, and Ritualist

  • Found Temple - Sacrifices the priest to spread the priest's religion to the city and build an appropriate temple (from the Priest promotion).


  • Convert City - Rantine can convert a barbarian city to his civ, providing that his offensive strength is at least equal to the highest offensive strength of the units in that city


  • Feast - Vampire consumes 1 population point of a city to gain XP; XP set at ((final city pop)-2). eg, a size 15 city will yield 14-2=12XP
  • Feed - Replenishes the vampire's health (+25 HP) by consuming a selectable living unit in the same tile. It also allows the Vampire to make another attack, and in the event that the consumed unit was a Bloodpet, the caster gains back a movement point (if any were expended).
  • Gift Vampirism - Gives all Level 6 or higher living units in the same stack the Vampirism promotion


  • Drown - Sacrifice a warrior and 60 gold to create a Drown


  • Pirate Cove - (Lanun only) Sacrifice a worker to create a pirate cove; must be on a land tile adjacent to a water tile, and not within two tiles of another Pirate Cove, or in a City. This effect converts the land to Coast, and grants the Pirate Cove improvement. This cannot be cast if there is another unit in this plot. The AI does not use this ability.

Inquisitor and Luonnotar

  • Inquisition - Removes all non-state religions from the city.


  • Sacrifice - Allows a unit in a city with a Demons Altar to be sacrificed for research. Note that the unit is given The Ashen Veil as a promotion just before death, so it counts for Manes generation.
  • Upgrade Weapons - Though not a real ability with an icon, all Melee Units and Mounted Units can upgrade their weapons automatically, from Bronze to Iron to Mithril (depending on the unit), provided they are garrisoned in a city with a Forge or Weaponsmith and the necessary resources. Learn more about this feature at the Weapon Types page.