Zwergen-Adept (Civ4 FFH)

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Civ4FFH ZwergenAdept.png Zwergen-Adept
Magisch begabte Einheit
Stärke 2 Civ4Power.png
Bewegung 1 Civ4Fortbewegung.png
Schnell 60 Civ4Produktion.png
Normal 90 Civ4Produktion.png
Langsam 135 Civ4Produktion.png
Episch 180 Civ4Produktion.png
Technologien Kenntnis vom Äther
Gebäude Magischer Zirkel
Spezialeinheit für Khazad, Luchuirp
Ersetzt Adept
Startbeförderungen Fokus I, Freie Beförderung, Zwerg
Fähigkeiten Zauber sprechen
Kann bauen Manaquellen:
ChaosDimensionenEntropie, Erde, Feuer, Geist, Gesetz, Korper, Leben, Natur, Seele, Tod, Verzauberung, Wasser
Sonstiges Baugeschwindigkeit: 300%
Modernisierung zu Beschwörer, Magier

The Dwarven Adept is the Dwarven version of the Adept (which it replaces). Note that the Khazad do not have access to either of the units that this unit promotes to. The Luchuirp do not have this restriction.

Note that this unit builds nodes at 300% of the rate of a Worker (if the worker could build these improvements).


Young hopefuls from the various magical schools are put through a series of grueling tests at the end of their studies. The ones that survive these tests become the personal pupils and assistants of fully-educated mages and are for the first time taught some rudimentary spells. Unfortunately for the Adepts, they are in many ways the cannon fodder of the magical profession, sent to do the jobs that are too dangerous for the Mages and deemed beyond the capacities of a mere student.

Adepts are the first rung of the magical ladder, and can pick and choose between all Tier one magical classes. When they are sufficiently advanced in skill and prowess, they are forced to make a choice: the down-to-earth path of the summoner, or the more esoteric and scholarly path of the mage. Both equally powerful in their way, it is largely a personal choice among the Adepts.

Strategy Text

Adepts have the ability to learn spell spheres when they level up, giving them access to a wide variety of spells.